Tuesday 1 March 2016

Blog Post 7

This week was the realization that my goal would not be met to get a geofilter accepted by snapchat within the time restraints of this class and this project. The filter idea was continuously becoming more and more of a project as all that I have submitted have not been accepted, and they never provide an answer as to specifically why it was not submitted. This makes it very hard to know what to do to your next submission in order to ensure that they do in fact accept it. For that reason, I have made the executive decision to stop working away at this and focus on the teacher education program, and all of the work that comes with this! It is unfortunate that this was the case, however I appreciate those who do actually end up being successful with the geofilter creation and acceptance. I also think that this is a very cool feature of the application and I appreciate it that much more, as there is a committee of people that either decide to accept or decline the filters - this would be a neat job!
Throughout the time that I worked at creating a geofilter for Stratford, a friend from home did end up being successful as a Stratford filter has appeared within city limits. I will add that this friend has graduated from computer sciences and knows what he is doing within the photoshop program, and has a large background in computer and design software.
I want to stress that this project was one that I knew would be difficult, especially as I had no previous experience using photoshop, or with design for that matter. Navigating the program was one of my biggest obstacles and it was hard for me to wrap my head around all of the tools that I could and should use in order to ensure that the filter was visually appealing. I think that with more of an understanding for the program would come a better ability to create a design that is likely to be accepted.
I also now know the rules as well as the criteria that it takes for snapchat to accept your filter, however am not a genius on how to follow all of these steps to ensure success.
This was a very interesting project for me, and am not fully giving up on it! Just giving up on getting a submission before this class ends!

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