Tuesday 26 January 2016

Blog Post 3

This week I began by researching more about how to actually create a snapchat geofilter.I found that this is going to be more difficult then I had thought, because I need to learn how to use photoshop. I began by downloading their specific template, and this opened up adobe photoshop - all new to me. I played around on this and watched YouTube videos where people tried to explain how the program works, and how I can go from the template to actually adding my designs. This was a bit overwhelming since I could not figure out how to get past the first step that was shown, at this time I decided that I need to confront an expert, a friend that took web design in college, my next step is to call a friend... Hopefully he can help! I also need to determine what I want to add to the Stratford filter, specifically what designs I might add in with the word.
However, I did read the guidelines and I think that with his help I will be successful. I was also able to figure out how to set the boundaries for the filter and once it is created it will be a breeze for me to complete the boundaries and explain why the filter should be activated (genius hour project - they will have to accept it!!).

Tuesday 19 January 2016

Blog Post 2

This week we looked at the assessment of genius hour, and the relevance that all projects will have within the language curriculum. I also learned how to create a PowToon, something that I have not previously heard about before. For that reason, I found difficulty in getting started and creating a toon that was engaging and using the different materials that were there. Finally, I embedded my google docs slideshow into my blogger so that people can view this, my mind was blown. In regards to my genius hour project, today I learned that there are specific criteria that have to be met by snapchat in order for them to publish your geofilter. I also learned that I am going to have to learn how to use photoshop in order to make my design come to life. My question then is, how am I going to  do this? And what program will I need in order to make my geofilter? From here I am going to construct research on different forums and sites further than the snapchat website in order to get different ideas of how to go about creating the geofilter. Then I will have to begin to think about how I want my filter to work and download a photoshop program that will allow me to make this. 

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Blog Post 1

Hi everyone, thank you for visiting my blog!

This blog will document my journey throughout my technology in education course at Brock University. One of the aspects of the course is to create a question that will drive and document my focus over the next 9 weeks.
For the class I have come up with the following 'genius hour' question:
How can I create a snapchat filter? 

I came up with this topic because snapchat is an application that almost everyone uses and is continuously growing. My goal is to create a snapchat filter for my hometown because there is not one there yet, and I want to display to my contacts where I am!  This is an easy way to communicate with my friends as well as others to also document their locations.
I will measure my overall progress by the steps that snapchat suggests taking in order for the filter to actually become available. My overall success will come when the filter becomes active, and when I will be able to use it!

Friday 8 January 2016


Copyright is something that we must know about as we enter the classroom. Copyright ensures that the original author of the piece of work gets credit for it. The original author chooses who has the right to reuse or alter it. I personally learned about the 4 different copyrights (attribution, share alike, non-commercial and no derivative works). The creative commons is also a new concept and resource that was introduced to me, and will be a relevant tool in my future works, as well as when finding resources.
We have been doused with ideas of plagiarism throughout our university career, but further now is the idea of copyright. It is so easy for students to gather information from the Internet, that they must know how to do so properly, and as teachers, we must learn how to model the proper usage. I think the most important thing to teach students is how to locate the copyrighted images from Google. For me, this was a useful tool because I am always just copying and pasting these materials into my own documents without actually realizing if I have the proper permission to do so. Because of how easy it is, we need to ensure that this is taught so that proper Internet usage is learned and maintained as habit for our students.

Ribeiro, Lucelia (2008, June 30). Children at school [online image]. Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/lupuca/8720604364/in/photolist-ehBnRE-9es4mr-5JUU5s-q3K1zE-99XWwh-99CMGB-99DbaH-4cPmgA-62Y6XP-8XHKbe-qpA85n-dkYFci-4E2zcQ-99DNn5-99GKB5-hT9xeh-9k5FFA-6wnx18-2RYxn-8GmvbX-bqVQtj-4Xtgen-9ayqsd-5ugLFE-7Cj5Uu-dVhuAM-nFobwz-3mrXAe-8vBWcM-BU5gpr-8vBWaH-dVkBcP-88BL8U-7q5H1P-6esCV2-4Xtgfr-o3wN4Z-5k2wrs-vhe14-6Wp8Nk-7M6JDi-97ZD6k-99AyvX-7xhTHi-5p2g39-ncBmoY-99AxoB-fwoBZm-5b495D-6Yv8t

Surran, Michael (2006, May 24). Students working on class assignment in computer lab [online image]. Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computers_in_the_classroom#/media/File:Students_working_on_class_assignment_in_computer_lab.jpg