Tuesday 19 January 2016

Blog Post 2

This week we looked at the assessment of genius hour, and the relevance that all projects will have within the language curriculum. I also learned how to create a PowToon, something that I have not previously heard about before. For that reason, I found difficulty in getting started and creating a toon that was engaging and using the different materials that were there. Finally, I embedded my google docs slideshow into my blogger so that people can view this, my mind was blown. In regards to my genius hour project, today I learned that there are specific criteria that have to be met by snapchat in order for them to publish your geofilter. I also learned that I am going to have to learn how to use photoshop in order to make my design come to life. My question then is, how am I going to  do this? And what program will I need in order to make my geofilter? From here I am going to construct research on different forums and sites further than the snapchat website in order to get different ideas of how to go about creating the geofilter. Then I will have to begin to think about how I want my filter to work and download a photoshop program that will allow me to make this. 

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