Tuesday 26 January 2016

Blog Post 3

This week I began by researching more about how to actually create a snapchat geofilter.I found that this is going to be more difficult then I had thought, because I need to learn how to use photoshop. I began by downloading their specific template, and this opened up adobe photoshop - all new to me. I played around on this and watched YouTube videos where people tried to explain how the program works, and how I can go from the template to actually adding my designs. This was a bit overwhelming since I could not figure out how to get past the first step that was shown, at this time I decided that I need to confront an expert, a friend that took web design in college, my next step is to call a friend... Hopefully he can help! I also need to determine what I want to add to the Stratford filter, specifically what designs I might add in with the word.
However, I did read the guidelines and I think that with his help I will be successful. I was also able to figure out how to set the boundaries for the filter and once it is created it will be a breeze for me to complete the boundaries and explain why the filter should be activated (genius hour project - they will have to accept it!!).

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