Friday 8 January 2016


Copyright is something that we must know about as we enter the classroom. Copyright ensures that the original author of the piece of work gets credit for it. The original author chooses who has the right to reuse or alter it. I personally learned about the 4 different copyrights (attribution, share alike, non-commercial and no derivative works). The creative commons is also a new concept and resource that was introduced to me, and will be a relevant tool in my future works, as well as when finding resources.
We have been doused with ideas of plagiarism throughout our university career, but further now is the idea of copyright. It is so easy for students to gather information from the Internet, that they must know how to do so properly, and as teachers, we must learn how to model the proper usage. I think the most important thing to teach students is how to locate the copyrighted images from Google. For me, this was a useful tool because I am always just copying and pasting these materials into my own documents without actually realizing if I have the proper permission to do so. Because of how easy it is, we need to ensure that this is taught so that proper Internet usage is learned and maintained as habit for our students.

Ribeiro, Lucelia (2008, June 30). Children at school [online image]. Retrieved from

Surran, Michael (2006, May 24). Students working on class assignment in computer lab [online image]. Retrieved from

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